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Terms & conditions (T&Cs)

As a rule, nobody reads the general terms and conditions these days. With Facebook, Google or Amazon it would probably take a few days to get through everything. However, we are obliged to show you the general terms and conditions (AGB`s) and are of the opinion: It definitely makes sense, especially the first section. 

The more informed you are, the fewer surprises there are. On this page you will find important information about the booking process, the booked kitesurfing service and such as cancellation conditions for your trip. You will also find the terms and conditions for tour operators and online shops. If you have any questions in this regard, just contact us.


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Booking / Cancellation / Kiting / Equipment rental

1. Booking

Registration must be in writing, which also includes mails and the registration form on our website. In the case of minors, the written consent of the legal representative must be provided for the legal declaration to be effective.

Deviations or withdrawal from the contract must also be in writing to be effective.

2. Payment

Nach erfolgter Buchung wird von seitens der LakeUnited AP GmbH eine Rechnung per Mail gesendet. Es ist innerhalb von 7 Tagen die Anzahlung auf das Konto der LakeUnited AP GmbH zu überweisen. Die Buchung der Reise bzw. des Kurses ist erst nach Zahlungseingang fixiert. 20 Tage vor Reiseantritt muss der Restbetrag eigenständig überwiesen werden. Bei Kursen, Workshops oder sonstigen Leistungen ist der komplette Betrag zu überweisen.

3. Conditions for Cancellations

Booked services can be cancelled by mail. If you cancel some or all portions of your booking, cancellation fees will apply as follows:

up to 30 days before the start of the trip: 20%

from the 29th to the 22nd day before the start of the trip: 30%

from the 21st to the 15th day before the start of the trip: 50%

from the 14th to the 3rd day before the start of the trip: 75%

from the 2nd day before the start of the trip: 100%

4. services

Falls der Kitekurs bzw. das Event wetterbedingt oder nicht im vorgeschriebenen Rahmen und unter den notwendigen Bedingungen ablaufen kann, behält sich LakeUnited AP GmbH vor, Ersatz- und Ausweichprogramme durchzuführen, welche nicht im Leistungspaket inkludiert sind. Ersatz- und Ausweichprogramme sind optional für den Teilnehmer. Die eventuellen Kosten muss der Teilnehmer selbst übernehmen. Es entsteht dadurch kein Anspruch auf Rückzahlung der Kosten.

Die LakeUnited AP GmbH behält sich das Recht vor, ohne Einhaltung von einer Frist, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten im Falle von höherer Gewalt (Starkwind, Blitzschlag), Diebstahl oder Zerstörung des Kitesurfmaterials durch Kollisionen oder Vandalismus.

In the event of a default in services, the participant is obligated to do everything reasonable to contribute to a removal of the disturbance and to keep the possible damages as small as possible.

5. kitesurfing/snowkiting/landkiting – commonly called: “kitesurfing” (allgemein genannt: „Kitesurfen“)

The participant is aware that participation in kitesurfing-courses places special demands on his or her physical condition and the participant assumes the full risk for the participation in this training and activity. He or she also declares that he/she is physically healthy and has no ailments that preclude or discourage participation in the course. The participant further affirms that he/she can swim for at least 30 minutes without any aids.

5.1. Safety & Due Dilligence

Instructors’ instructions must be followed without any restrictions during the lessons. In case of repeated disregard, the participant is aware that he/she may be excluded from the course without any right to compensation.

5.2. Liability

The participant is aware that all forms of kitesurfing (in water as well as on land and snow) are associated with special risks. We do not assume any liability for accidents of the participant. The exclusion of liability also applies to damages suffered by third parties due to the participant’s fault. The participant has to take care for a sufficient accident & health insurance himself.

LAKEUNITED OG is liable for conscientious course preparation and the diligent selection and supervision of the instructor team.

Für den Verlust von Wertgegenständen, Brillen, Geld und sonstigen Gegenständen wird keine Haftung seitens der LakeUnited AP GmbH übernommen.

It is advisable to take out a private liability insurance, which covers possible damages in the water sports area. We cannot guarantee for wind and weather – therefore no refunds will be made, e.g. in the case that there is no wind during your stay. Likewise there are no refunds if the participant cannot participate in the activities due to e.g: illness, early return, etc.

6. Equipment rental

In case of self-inflicted or third-party-caused damage, the participant/renter is obliged to notify the organizer immediately. The participant/renter is obliged to treat and manage the kitesurfing equipment like his property according to the rules of good seamanship.

Für selbstverschuldete Schäden (einschließlich Ausfall- und Folgeschäden) an der Ausrüstung haftet der Teilnehmer/ Mieter persönlich. Die Kosten hat der Teilnehmer / Mieter selbst zu tragen. Die LakeUnited AP GmbH behält es sich vor, bei Schäden einen Wertverlust des Materials zu verrechnen.

Der Teilnehmer / Mieter ist verpflichtet, das Material bei Übergabe auf Schäden zu prüfen und den Mitarbeitern der LakeUnited AP GmbH zu melden.

You can easily protect yourself by buying for instance the VDWS Safety Tool, which we strongly recommend, as it has often saved us unnecessary stress.

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Terms and conditions – tour operators

1. Completion of the travel booking contract, confirmation of booking

1.1. A tour operator is an entrepreneur who either directly or via another entrepreneur or together with another entrepreneur compiles package tours (as defined in Art. 2 Para. 2 PTD) and contractually arranges or offers them (see Art. 2 Para. 7 PTD). The tour operator provides their services in accordance with the legal regulations, in particular the Package Travel Directive (PTD), and the Package Travel Ordinance (PTO) with the diligence of a prudent contractor. An entrepreneur is any natural or legal person who meets the requirements for an entrepreneur in accordance with Art. 1 KSchG (Consumer Protection legislation) (see Art. 2 Para. 9 PTD). 
Ein Unternehmer ist jede natürliche oder juristische Person, der Unternehmereigenschaft nach § 1 KSchG zukommt (vgl § 2 Abs 9 PRG).

Im nachfolgenden meint Reiseveranstalter das Unternehmen LakeUnited AP GmbH.

1.2. The General Terms and Conditions are considered as agreed upon when they have been transmitted - before the traveler is bound to a contract by a contractual declaration - or the traveler has been able to view their contents. They supplement the package travel contract concluded with the traveler. If the traveler is booking for third parties (fellow travelers), he thereby confirms that he has been authorized by said third parties to procure an offer for them, to agree to the general terms and conditions for them and to conclude a package travel contract for them. The traveler, who makes a booking for himself or a third party, is thus considered to be the client and thus assumes the obligations of the contract with the tour operator (e.g. payments, withdrawal from the contract, etc.) in accordance with Art. 7 Para. 2 PTD, unless another agreement applies.

1.3. A traveler is any person who intends to conclude a contract subject to the provisions of the Package Travel Directive (e.g. package travel contract) or who is entitled to use travel services on the basis of such a contract.

1.4. The catalogue and the tour operator’s homepage merely serve as advertising material. The package tours and other services presented therein do not constitute offers (cf. 2.2.).

1.5. A package travel contract is the contract concluded between the tour operator and the traveler for a package tour.

1.6. The price of the tour is understood to be the amount to be paid by the traveler as stated in the package travel contract.

1.7. A person with reduced mobility is a person with a physical disability (sensory or motor, permanent or temporary), in accordance with Art. 2 (a) VO 1107/2006 (Rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility), who limits the use of components of the package (e.g. use of a means of transport, accommodation) and as such necessitates the services to be adapted to the special needs of this person. 

1.8. Unavoidable and extraordinary or unforeseeable circumstances are defined as incidents/events/occurrences beyond the control of the person referring to them whereby the consequences of said circumstances could not have been avoided even if all reasonable precautions had been taken (e.g. acts of war, serious issues of security such as terrorism, outbreaks of infectious diseases, natural disasters, weather conditions preventing a safe journey, etc.) (cf. Art. 2 Para. 12 PTD).

1.9. The Package Travel Directive and the General Terms and Conditions do not apply to package travel contracts concluded between two entrepreneurs based on a general agreement on the organisation of business trips (e.g. framework contract).

2. Role of the Tour Operator

In accordance with the information supplied by the traveler, the tour operator compiles travel proposals for the traveler. These are non-binding and as such do not constitute offers in the sense of Art. 4 PTD. If it is not possible to compile travel proposals on the basis of the information provided by the traveler (no different options, no services etc.), then the tour operator shall notify the traveler of this. The travel proposals are based on the information of the traveler, which is why incorrect and/or incomplete information supplied by the traveler - in the absence of clarification from the traveler - may form the basis of the travel proposals. When compiling travel proposals, it is possible, for example, to use the price, the expertise of the tour operator/service provider, discounts, the best price principle and other factors, if applicable, as parameters (without any claim to completeness).

2.2. Hat der Reisende ein konkretes Interesse an einem der vom Reiseveranstalter ihm unterbreiteten Reisevorschläge, dann erstellt der Reiseveranstalter auf Basis des Reisevorschlages ein Reiseanbot gemäß den Vorgaben des § 4 PRG, soweit diese für die Reise von Relevanz sind. Das vom Reiseveranstalter erstellte Reiseanbot bindet den Reiseveranstalter. Änderungen der im Reiseanbot enthaltenen vorvertraglichen Informationen aufgrund von Preis- oder Leistungsänderungen sind möglich, sofern sich der Reiseveranstalter dies im Reiseanbot vorbehalten hat, er den Reisenden vor Abschluss des Pauschalreisevertrages klar, verständlich und deutlich über die Änderungen informiert und die Änderungen im Einvernehmen zwischen Reisenden und Reiseveranstalter vorgenommen werden (vgl § 5 Abs 1 PRG). Ein Vertrag zwischen
Reiseveranstalter und Reisendem kommt zustande, wenn das Reiseanbot durch den Reisenden angenommen wird (= Vertragserklärung des Reisenden).

 The tour operator advises and informs the traveler on the basis of the information provided by the traveler to the tour operator. The tour operator presents the package tour requested by the traveler to the best of his knowledge, taking into account the customary conditions in the country of destination as well as any special features associated with the package tour (e.g. expedition tours). There is no obligation to provide information on generally known circumstances (e.g. topography, climate, flora and fauna of the
desired destination etc.), unless, depending on the type of package tour, there are no circumstances which require separate clarification or clarification of the circumstances is not necessary for the provision and the course or performance of the agreed services. In principle, it must be noted that the traveler consciously chooses a different environment and that the standard, the equipment, facilities, food (seasoning in particular) and hygiene levels are related to the regional standards/criteria customary for the country/place of destination.
The tour operator shall inform the traveler in accordance with Art. 4 PTD before the traveler is bound to a package travel contract by a declaration of contract: 

on the existence of a package tour by means of a standard information sheet pursuant to Art. 4 Para 1 PTD. In addition, the standard information sheet for package tours can in principle, if available and printed or uploaded – be viewed in the catalog or on the tour operator’s website.

about the information listed in Art. 4 Para. 1 PTD, insofar as it is relevant to the arranged package travel and it is necessary for the execution and provision of services (e.g. in the case of an exclusively beach holiday no references to sightseeing tours as in the case of study trips etc. are necessary, insofar as these are not part of the agreed services).

of whether the package holiday to be arranged is generally suitable for persons with reduced mobility, provided that this information is relevant to the package in question (Art. 4 Para. 1 No.1(h) PTD). 

 on the general passport and visa requirements of the country of destination, including approximate time limits for obtaining visas and for completing health care formalities (Art. 4 Para. 1 No. 6 PTD), provided that this information is relevant to the package in question. Upon request, the tour operator will provide information on foreign exchange and customs regulations. General information on passport and visa requirements, health care formalities as well as foreign currency and customs regulations for travelers with Austrian citizenship can moreover be obtained by selecting the desired country of destination under EU citizens can request this information from their relevant representative authorities. It is assumed that a valid passport (which e.g. is not expired, not reported stolen or lost, etc.) is generally required for travel abroad, and the traveler is responsible for its validity. The traveler is responsible for complying with the health care formalities of which he/she has been notified. The traveler is responsible for obtaining the necessary visa, unless the tour operator has agreed to process the procurement of such a visa.

Special wishes of the traveler in the sense of customer wishes (e.g. sea view) are in principle non-binding and do not result in a legal claim, as long as these wishes have not been confirmed by the tour operator as a requirement of the traveler in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 2 No. 1 PTD. If a confirmation is issued, a binding service agreement exists. Should the tour operator accept a customer preference, this merely represents an agreement to forward said requests to the relevant service provider or to clarify their feasibility and does not constitute a legally binding guarantee as long as it has not been confirmed by the tour operator. 

If the traveller does not book directly with the tour operator (e.g. by visiting the branch, requesting information by telephone or e-mail, etc.), but through a travel agent, the provisions of point 2 of these General Terms and Conditions shall apply.

3. Responsibilities of the Travel Agent and locally Booked Services

Travel agents are not authorized by the tour operator to make different agreements, to provide information or make assurances which change the agreed content of the package travel contract, go beyond the scope of the contractually agreed services of the tour operator or contradict the travel offer. Travel catalogues and internet tenders which have not been published by the tour operator are not binding for the tour operator and the tour operator is not obligated to provide said services provided they have not been made the subject of the travel offer or the content of the service obligation of the tour operator by express agreement between the tour operator and the traveler.

Services booked on site booked by a third party tour operator or with service providers who are not accountable to the tour operator are not binding for the tour operator and do not fall under its service obligation and are not attributed to the tour operator unless these services have been explicitly confirmed/authorized by the tour operator (see also 20.6.).

4. Obligation of the Traveler to Provide Information and Cooperation

4.1. The traveller has to inform the tour operator - if necessary with the help of a travel agent, if booked through such an agent - about all personal (e.g. date of birth, nationality etc.) and factual information (e.g. planned import/carriage of medicines, prostheses, animals etc.) necessary and relevant for the package tour in time, completely and truthfully. The traveler has to inform the tour operator about all circumstances concerning his person or those of fellow travelers (e.g. allergies, food intolerance, no travel experience, etc.) and about his or his fellow travelers' special needs, especially about an existing limited mobility or the state of health and other restrictions which may be relevant for the preparation of travel offers or for the execution or execution of a package tour with the services to be agreed upon (e.g. in the case of hiking tours etc.), if necessary by providing complete qualified proof (e.g. medical certificate).

4.2. In the event of reduced mobility or other limitations or special needs in accordance with item 4.1 (e.g. requirement of special medication, regular medical treatment, etc.), which would possibly affect the execution of the trip, the traveler is advised to consult a doctor prior to booking as to whether the traveler in question is able to travel.

 If the mobility of the traveler only becomes reduced in the period between contract conclusion and trip commencement or if other restrictions within the meaning of item 4.1 arise during said period, then the traveler must inform the tour operator of this change immediately - for reasons of proof it is recommended to do so in writing - so that the tour operator can decide whether the traveler can still take part in the package tour without endangering themselves or their fellow travelers or whether they are entitled to
exclude the traveler and withdraw from the contract. If the traveler does not fulfil their obligation to provide information completely or in a timely manner and the tour operator declares their withdrawal from the contract, the tour operator is entitled to compensation in accordance with the compensation rate. 

 The traveler, who is making a booking for himself or a third party (fellow travellers), is considered to be the client and assumes the obligations arising from the contract with the tour operator (e.g. payment of the fee; only the client is entitled to withdraw from the contract, etc.) in accordance with Art. 7 Para. 2 PTD (see 1.2), unless another agreement applies. 

 The traveler is obliged to check all contractual documents (e.g. package travel contract, booking confirmation, vouchers) provided by the tour operator for factual correctness of their details/data and for any deviations (spelling mistakes; e.g. names, date of birth) as well as for incompleteness and, in the event of inaccuracies / deviations /  incompleteness, to inform the tour operator immediately for correction - whereby the written form is recommended for reasons of proof. The traveler has to bear any additional expenses resulting from this, if these additional expenses are based on false or incorrect information of the traveler, whereby the fee is at least EUR 75.00.

 Should it be impossible to provide the contractually agreed return transport of the traveler due to unavoidable and exceptional circumstances, the tour operator shall bear the costs for the necessary accommodation for a maximum of three nights. This does not apply to travellers with reduced mobility (in accordance with Article 2(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2006 concerning the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility when travelling by air) and their co-travelers, pregnant travelers,  unaccompanied minors and travelers in need of special medical treatment, provided that the said persons inform the tour operator of their special needs, which did not exist at the time of booking or had not yet to be known to them, 48 hours before the start of the journey (see 4.3.).

In accordance with Art. 11 Para. 2 PTD, the traveler is obligated to immediately and comprehensively report any perceived deviation from the agreed travel services, including the concrete description of the deviation/issue, in acknowledgement of the respective circumstances, so that the tour operator is able to remedy the deviation, insofar as this is possible or feasible, depending on the individual case (e.g. time difference, impossibility of contacting the expedition, existence of an alternative or an exchange/upgrade
option, etc.), and the associated costs (e.g. cleaning the replacement room, finding a replacement hotel etc.). If the traveler is booking through a travel agent and a breach of contract occurs during the business hours of the travel agent, the traveler must notify the travel agent of the violation of contract. The traveler is advised to notify the agent in writing, for reasons of proof in particular. Outside normal business hours, the traveler must immediately notify the tour operator's representative of any violation of contract or, if such a representative does not exist and/or is not contractually owed, directly to the tour operator via the emergency number specified in the package travel contract. Failure to report a violation of contract shall have an effect on any warranty claims of the traveler if remedial action could have been taken on site and if such reporting could have been reasonably expected. In accordance with Art. 12 Para. 2 PTD, failure to report a deviation can also be considered as contributory negligence in relation to claims for damages (Art. 1304 ABGB (Austrian civil code)). Reporting a deviation does not immediately guarantee services from the tour operator. 

 The traveler is obligated to pay the price of the tour agreed within the framework of the package travel contract in full and on time in accordance with the terms of payment. In the event that the deposit or balance payment is not made in due time or is incomplete, the tour operator reserves the right, after issuing a reminder and setting a grace period, to withdraw from the contract and claim additional damages, irrespective of the compensation rate due.

In the event of claims for compensation or price reductions and the receipt of payments for compensation or price reductions in accordance with Art. 12 Para. 5 PTD (e.g. compensation in accordance with Art. 7 of the Passenger Rights Ordinance) or in the event of the receipt of other payments and services from service providers or third parties that are to offset the claims for compensation or price reductions of the traveler against the tour operator (e.g. payments by the hotel), the traveler shall inform the travel agent or tour operator of this situation completely and truthfully. 

 In the event of a breach of contract, the traveler is fundamentally obligated to minimise the damage (§ 1304 ABGB). 

5. Insurance

 When travelling on holiday, it is important to note that valuable objects, important documents etc. should fundamentally not be taken on the trip. In the case of important documents, it is recommended that copies be made and used, provided copies are accepted. It is not possible to exclude the possibility of theft of valuables and therefore the travelers must take responsibility for this risk themselves.

Organizing insurance cover (trip cancellation insurance, trip interruption insurance, luggage insurance, travel liability insurance, health insurance for travel abroad, protection against delays, personal protection, etc.), which guarantees sufficient coverage from the date of the package travel contract until the end of the package tour, is recommended.

6. Booking/Conclusion of Contract/Deposit

The package travel contract is concluded between the traveler and the tour operator if they are in agreement on the basic components of the contract (price, service and date) and the traveler accepts the offer of the tour operator. This gives rise to rights and obligations for both the tour operator and the traveler.

 Unless otherwise agreed, the traveler must transfer the agreed deposit of the tour to the account specified in the package travel contract (or to the account specified by the travel agent), within 7 days of receipt of the package travel contract but at the earliest 11 months before the last scheduled day of the package tour.

 If a contract is concluded less than 20 days prior to the departure date, then the entire travel price must be transferred immediately upon receipt of the package travel contract to the account named therein (or to the account details provided by the travel agent).

If the traveler does not meet his/her payment obligations according to 6.2. or 6.3., the tour operator reserves the right, after issuing a reminder and setting a deadline, to withdraw from the contract and to claim damages in accordance with the compensation rate. 

7. Persons with reduced mobility

 Whether a package tour is specifically suitable for persons with reduced mobility must be clarified in each individual case, whereby the type and extent of the reduced mobility, the nature of the package tour (e.g. adventure tour, study trip, city break etc.), the country/place of destination, the means of transport (e.g. bus, plane, ship etc.) and the accommodation (e.g. hotel, alpine hut, tent etc.) must be taken into account. Persons with reduced mobility must therefore ask the tour operator whether the chosen package is
suitable for their concrete situation. The specific suitability of a package tour for persons with reduced mobility does not mean that all the services contained in the package travel contract can be used without reservation by the person with reduced mobility (e.g. a hotel complex may have suitable rooms and other areas for persons with reduced mobility. However, this does not mean that the entire facility (e.g. use of the pool etc.) is suitable for persons with reduced mobility). If this is the case and the person with reduced mobility decides to book the package tour, the tour operator will keep a handicap record. This serves as the basis of the package travel contract which is to be concluded.

The tour operator may turn a package travel booking by a person with reduced mobility down if the tour operator and/or one of its agents (e.g. hotel, airline, etc.), having carefully assessed the specific requirements and needs of the traveler, comes to the conclusion that the traveler cannot be transported or accommodated safely and in accordance with the safety regulations or if the tour operator and/or one of its agents concludes that the specific package tour is not suitable for the traveler.

The tour operator and/or one of its agents (e.g. airline, hotel etc.) reserves the right to refuse carriage/accommodation to a traveler who has failed to sufficiently inform the tour operator of their reduced mobility and/or special needs in accordance with 4.1. and/or 4.3. of the General Terms and Conditions so that the tour operator and/or agent is able assess the possibility of safe and organizationally practicable carriage/accommodation. 

For reasons of safety, the tour operator reserves the right to stop travelers from participating in the package who, in the opinion of the tour operator and/or one of its agents (e.g. airline, hotel, etc.), are unable to travel or are not suitable for the package due to the itinerary, the destination, etc., or represent a danger to themselves or others during the package tour. 

8. Package Travel Contract

The traveler shall receive a copy of the contract document or a confirmation of the contract on a permanent data carrier (e.g. paper, email) upon conclusion of a package travel contract or immediately thereafter. If the package travel contract is concluded in the simultaneous presence of the contracting parties, the traveler is entitled to a paper version. In the case of contracts concluded outside business premises in accordance with Art. 3 No. 1 FAGG, the traveler agrees to receive the copy or confirmation of
the package travel contract on an alternative permanent data carrier (e.g. e-mail).

 Unless otherwise agreed, the traveler shall be issued with booking receipts, vouchers, tickets and admission passes, information on planned departure times and, if applicable, scheduled intermediate stops, connections and arrival times at the last delivery/contact address provided by the traveler in good time before the start of the package travel. Should the aforementioned documents include any inaccuracies/deviations/incomplete information in accordance with 4.5, the traveler must contact the travel agent or tour operator (see 4.5).

9. Substitute Persons

In accordance with Art. 7 PTD, the traveler has the right to transfer the package travel contract to another person who fulfils all contractual requirements and is also suitable for the package tour (criteria may include gender, (non-)pregnancy, physical condition, required/ adequate level of vaccination/ vaccination protection, certain knowledge and skill set, visas, valid entry permits, non-existence of an entry ban, etc.). If the other person does not fulfil all contractual requirements or is not suitable for the package tour, the
tour operator may object to the transfer of the contract. The tour operator must be informed of the transfer of the contract via a permanent data carrier (e.g. paper, e-mail) within a reasonable period of 30 days, but at no less than seven days before the start of the trip. A minimum handling fee of Euro 75 is payable for the transfer of the package travel contract, unless additional costs are incurred. The traveler transferring the package travel contract and the person entering into the contract are jointly liable to the tour operator for the outstanding price of the tour and the minimum handling fee, as well as for any additional costs incurred.

 Many airlines or other carriers or service providers treat changes to the travel date or the name of the traveler as cancellations and calculate them accordingly. If additional costs are incurred, these will be charged to the traveler (in accordance with Art. 7 Para. 2 PTD). 

10. Price Changes Before Departure

 In the package travel contract, the tour operator reserves the right to make price changes after conclusion of the package travel contract but no less than 20 days before the first day of the package tour. The tour operator shall inform the traveler clearly, comprehensibly and explicitly via a permanent data carrier (e.g. paper, e-mail) of price changes no less than 20 days before the start of the package tour, stating the reasons for the price change. This information shall be sent to the last address provided by the traveler.

10.2. Price changes are permitted in the event of changes in the following costs after conclusion of the contract:

1) costs of passenger transport resulting from the changes to the cost of fuel or other energy sources;

2) the amount of taxes and levies payable on contractually agreed travel services, such as residence fees, landing fees, embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports, corresponding airport charges and fees for services at ports or airports; 

3) the exchange rates applicable to the package.

Fee changes can result in price increases or price reductions.

In case of price reductions, the amount of the price

 In the event of an increase of more than 8% of the travel price (as per Art. 8 PTD), 11.4. shall apply. The traveler reserves the right to accept the increase as an amendment to the contract, to agree to taking part in an alternative trip - if offered - or to withdraw from the contract without being obligated to pay a compensation rate. Insurance premiums which have already been paid cannot be refunded to the traveler.

11. Changes to the Service Prior to Commencement of Travel

The tour operator may make insignificant changes to the provided services, provided they have reserved the right to do so within the contract. The tour operator or the travel agent, if the package tour has been booked via such an agent, shall inform the traveler clearly, comprehensively and explicitly of the changes via a permanent data carrier (e.g. paper, e-mail) at the address last notified by the traveler. 

 Insignificant changes are defined as (whereby this is to be judged in each individual case) minor, objectively justified changes which do not significantly change the nature and/or the duration and/or the service content and/or the quality of the booked package travel. 

 Significant changes, which the tour operator is forced to make, may result in a significant reduction in the quality or value of the travel services, if the changes affect essential features of the travel services and/or influence the package travel and/or travel execution. Whether a change or reduction in the quality or value of travel services is to be defined as significant or not, must be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the nature, duration, purpose and price of the package tour as well as the intensity, duration and cause of the change and, where appropriate, whether any party can be made responsible for the circumstances that led to the change.

11.4. If the Tour Operator is forced to make significant changes in the above-mentioned sense of those essential characteristics of the travel services that constitute the character and purpose of the package (see § 4 Paragraph 1 Z 1 PRG), or if the Tour Operator cannot meet the requirements of the Traveler that have been expressly confirmed by the Tour Operator, or if the Tour Operator increases the total price of the package by more than 8% in accordance with the provisions of § 8 PRG, the Traveler may
- agree to the proposed changes within a reasonable period of time determined by the tour operator, or
- agree to participate in a substitute trip, if this is offered by the tour operator, or
- withdraw from the contract without payment of compensation.

For this reason, the tour operator shall, in the aforementioned cases, inform the traveler at the  address last provided by the traveler of the following in a clear, comprehensible and explicit manner on a permanent data carrier (e.g. paper, e-mail): 

- changes in the travel services and, where appropriate, their impact on the price of the package
- the reasonable period within which the traveller must inform the tour operator of their decision and the legal effect of failing to notify the operator of said decision within the reasonable period,
- where appropriate, the replacement package tour offered and its price.  The traveler is advised to submit their decision in writing.

If the traveler does not submit a decision within said period, this shall be understood as agreement to these changes. 

12. Itinerary/Changes

12.1. Due to environmental and weather influences (e.g. rain, wind, avalanches, mudflows, etc.), natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc.), border closures, government orders, traffic jams, changes in flight times, terrorist attacks, power failures, short-term changes in opening hours, etc., it is possible to deviate from the advertised or contractually agreed route, to postpone or bring forward stops on the tour, to omit or change planned tours. In these cases, the tour operator will make every effort to offer equivalent alternatives or, if necessary, to make up for any omitted parts elsewhere.

13. Warranty

If there is a breach of contract because an agreed travel service has not been provided or has not been provided adequately (= in violation of the contract), the tour operator shall remedy the breach of contract providing the traveler or their fellow travelers (e.g. family members) have not themselves prompted said breach and/or are not in violation of their duties to cooperate and/or the remedial action is not impeded by the traveler and/or the remedial action would not be impossible or would not be associated with disproportionate costs. The traveler must give the tour operator a reasonable deadline by which the breach of contract must be remedied, whereby the deadline must be assessed in each individual case, based on the type/purpose/duration of the package tour, the notified breach of contract, the time of notification (e.g. late in the evening etc.), as well as the time required to procure an alternate solution e.g. an object (relocation etc.). A deadline must be communicated to the representative of the tour operator on site or, if such a representative does not exist and/or is not contractually owed, directly to the tour operator via the emergency number specified in the package travel contract. 

If the traveler fails to comply with their duty to provide information in accordance with item 4.7. or their duty to cooperate (e.g. to view an alternative room offered by the tour operator or to pack their suitcases in order to change rooms etc.) or they set an unreasonably short deadline for the tour operator to remedy the breach of contract or they do not support the tour operator within the scope of what is reasonable in remedying the breach of contract or they improperly refuse the alternative services offered by the tour operator to remedy the breach of contract, the traveler shall bear the adverse legal consequences (see point 4.7.).

 If the tour operator does not remedy the breach of contract within a reasonable period of time, the traveler may remedy the situation themselves and demand compensation for the necessary expenses from the tour operator (see Art. 11 Para. 4 PTD). The principle of the duty to minimize damage applies, i.e. the damage incurred (e.g. costs for alternative services) must be kept to a minimum, whereby this minimum is to be based on the duration, value and purpose of the journey. In addition, the breach of contract must be viewed objectively.

 If it is not possible to provide a substantial part of the agreed travel services in accordance with the contract, the tour operator shall offer the traveler, at no extra cost, provided this is possible based on the situation and circumstances (on site)(this would be impossible if e.g. only one hotel were available in the booked category), other appropriate arrangements (alternative services) for the continuation of the package tour which, insofar as possible, are of the same or higher quality as the contractually agreed services; the same shall also apply if the traveler is not returned to the place of departure in accordance with the contract. If the other options offered by the tour operator result in a lower standard of package tour than the contractually agreed services (e.g. half board instead of all-inclusive), the tour operator shall grant the traveler an appropriate price reduction. The traveler may only refuse the proposed alternative arrangements if they are not comparable with the services agreed in the package travel contract or if the
price reduction granted is not reasonable. If the traveler rejects the alternative arrangement, the traveler must demonstrate that the other options offered by the tour operator are not equivalent or comparable to the contractually agreed services and/or that the price reduction offered is not sufficient.

If the breach of contract is associated with significant consequences relating to the performance of the package tour in accordance with 11.3. and if the tour operator does not remedy said breach of contract within a reasonable period of time as defined by the traveler taking the circumstances and the breach of contract in question into account (cf. 13.1.), the traveler may withdraw from the package travel contract without needing to pay a cancellation fee, provided the continuation of the package tour would not be
reasonable for the average traveler, and, if necessary, the traveler may assert warranty claims and claims for damages in accordance with Art 12 PTD. If the traveler withdraws from the package travel contract, they should be aware that this is associated with a certain risk, as both the significance of the consequences of any breach of contract and  the feasibility of continuing the tour must be assessed in the subjective
individual case (by a judge) and the result of this assessment may differ from the traveler's point of view. If no other alternatives can be offered in accordance with item 13.4. or if the traveler rejects the other alternatives offered in accordance with item 13.4., the traveler is entitled to assert warranty claims and claims for damages in accordance with Art. 12 PTD even without terminating the package travel contract in the event of a breach of contract. If the traveler rejects the alternative arrangement, the traveler must
demonstrate that the other options offered by the tour operator are not equivalent or comparable to the contractually agreed services and/or that the price reduction offered is not sufficient. Where passenger transport is included in the package, the tour operator shall, in the cases referred to in this paragraph, also ensure the immediate return of the traveler by an equivalent transport service at no additional cost to the traveler.

If the tour operator does not withdraw from the package tour, despite being unable to provide services due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (see 17.1.) but instead offers replacement services, the additional costs incurred as a result shall be borne by the traveler.

14. Withdrawal by the Traveler without Payment of a Compensation Rate

 The traveler may withdraw from the package travel contract before the start of the package tour - without paying a cancellation fee - in the following cases:

If unavoidable and exceptional circumstances arise at or in the immediate vicinity of the place of destination, whereby said unavoidable and exceptional circumstances are to be assessed on a case-by-case basis taking into account the scope of the contract and the reach of the particular circumstance which entails the risk, which significantly affect the performance of the package tour or the carriage of travelers to the place of destination in accordance with 11.3. If the traveler withdraws from the contract in these cases, they are entitled to full reimbursement of all payments made for the package tour, but not to additional compensation (see Art. 10 Para. 2 PTD).

In the cases referred to in point 11.4. The tour operator is to be notified of the traveler’s withdrawal - whereby written form is recommended for reasons of proof. 

Der Rücktritt ist gegenüber dem Reiseveranstalter – wobei aus Gründen der Beweisbarkeit Schriftform empfohlen wird – zu erklären.

The traveler may withdraw from the package travel contract after commencement of the package tour in the cases described in point 13.5 - without being liable for a compensation rate

15. Withdrawal by the Traveler with Payment of a Cancellation Fee

 The traveler is entitled at any time to withdraw from the contract against payment of a compensation rate (cancellation fee). The tour operator is to be notified of the traveler’s withdrawal - whereby written form is recommended for reasons of proof. If the package tour was booked through a travel agent, then the traveler can also notify said agent of the withdrawal. The traveler is recommended to notify the relevant party of the traveler’s withdrawal via a permanent data carrier (e.g. paper, email).

The cancellation fee shall be calculated as a percentage of the price of the tour and shall be based on the price at the time the cancellation is made together with the expected savings in terms of expenses and additional earnings from reusing the travel services. If the cancellation fee is inappropriate, it may be moderated by a court. 

Depending on the type of package tour, the following cancellation fees apply per person:

up to 30 days before the start of the trip: 20%
from the 29th to the 22nd day before the start of the trip: 30%
from the 21st to the 15th day before the start of the trip: 50%
from the 14th to the 3rd day before the start of the trip: 75%
from the 2nd day before the start of the trip: 100%

16. No-show

 A no-show applies when the traveler does not leave the country because they do not wish to travel or they do not leave the country due to an action which they are responsible for or due to a random event that happened to them. If it becomes clear that the traveler is no longer able or willing to utilize the remaining travel services, they must pay the following compensation rate: 100 % of the total amount

17. Withdrawal of the Tour Operator Before the Start of the Trip

 The tour operator may withdraw from the package travel contract before the start of the package tour if they are prevented from fulfilling the contract due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances and the traveler receives the notification of the withdrawal without delay at the last delivery/contact address provided by the traveler, prior to the start of the package tour (see Art. 10 Para. 3 (b) PTD).

The tour operator may withdraw from the package travel contract before the start of the package tour if fewer persons than the minimum number of participants specified in the contract have registered for the package tour and the traveler receives the notification of the withdrawal of the tour operator at the last delivery/contact address provided by the traveler, within the period specified in the contract, but no later than: 

a) 20 Tage vor Beginn der Pauschalreise bei Reisen von mehr als sechs Tagen,
b) sieben Tage vor Beginn der Pauschalreise bei Reisen zwischen zwei und sechs Tagen,
c) 48 Stunden vor Beginn der Pauschalreise bei Reisen, die weniger als zwei Tage dauern,

(see Art. 10 Para. 3 (a) PTD).

If the tour operator withdraws from the package travel contract in accordance with items 17.1. or 17.2., they will refund the price of the tour to the traveler, but they will not be obligated to pay any additional compensation.

18. Withdrawal of the Tour Operator after the Start of the Trip

 The tour operator shall be released from their obligation to fulfil the contract without being obligated to refund the price of the tour if the traveler has prevented the package tour from taking place due to grossly improper behavior (e.g. alcohol, drugs, non-observance of a smoking ban, disregarding certain clothing regulations e.g. when visiting religious sites or eating food, illegal behavior, disruptive behavior towards fellow travelers, non-compliance with the instructions of the tour guide (e.g. regular late arrival etc.),
despite receiving a warning, with the result that the itinerary is disrupted or fellow travelers are affected to such an extent that it is possible that the holiday relaxation of third parties or fellow travelers is affected or the purpose of the trip is negated. In such a case the traveler is obliged to compensate the tour operator for the resulting damages.

19. General risk to the traveller

 A package tour usually entails a change in the familiar surroundings. The associated general risks to the traveler, such as (without claiming completeness) stress, nausea (e.g. due to climatic changes), fatigue (e.g. due to a humid climate), digestive problems (e.g. due to unfamiliar spices, food etc.), and/or any risk associated with the trip, for example (without claiming completeness) earache during diving trips, altitude sickness during high-altitude trips, seasickness during cruises and much more, are borne by the traveller 
and are not attributable to the tour operator. 

 If, for the above-mentioned reasons, the traveler does not use the services which have been offered to them in accordance with the contract or if they decide to withdraw from the contract for such a reason, they are not entitled to assert warranty claims or claims for compensation for the unused portions of the travel services.

20. Liability

If the tour operator or service providers which are answerable to the tour operator culpably violate the obligations incumbent on the tour operator, in accordance with the contract with the traveler, then the tour operator shall be obligated to compensate the traveler for the resulting damages. 

 The tour operator is not liable for personal, material and financial damages of the traveler which occur in connection with booked services, provided that they 

occur as a result of a general risk to the traveler or a possible general risk associated with the package tour, which are risks to be borne by the traveler (cf. 19.)

 can be attributed to the fault of the traveler; 

are attributable to a third party who is not involved in the provision of the travel services in accordance with the package travel contract and the breach of contract was neither foreseeable nor avoidable; or

 are due to unavoidable and exceptional circumstances. 

20.4. In the case of trips with special risks (e.g. expedition character) the tour operator is not liable for the consequences arising in the course of the realization of the risks if this occurs outside his sphere of duties. This does not affect the tour operator's obligation to prepare the package tour carefully and to carefully select the persons and companies commissioned to provide the individual travel services.

20.5. The traveler has to follow laws and regulations, instructions and orders of the local staff, as well as commandments and prohibitions (e.g. bathing prohibition, diving prohibition etc.). In case of non-compliance by the traveler, the tour operator is not liable for any resulting personal injury and property damage of the traveler or personal injury and property damage of third parties.

20.6. The tour operator is not liable for the provision of a service, which has not been promised by the tour operator or which has been booked by the traveler himself after the start of the journey with third parties or service providers not attributable to the tour operator.

20.7. It is recommended that the traveler does not take any objects of special value with him. Furthermore, it is recommended that the items taken along are properly stored or insured (see 5.1.).

20.8. Insofar as the Montreal Convention on International Carriage by Air 2001, the Athens Protocol 2002 to the Athens Converntion on Carriage by Sea 1974 or the Convention on International Carriagy by Rail 1980 as amended 1999 limit the scope of compensation or the conditions under which a provider of a travel service covered by the package tour contract must pay compensation, these limitations shall also apply to the tour operator ( see § 12 para. 4 PTD)

21. Assertion of Claims

 In order to facilitate the assertion and verification of alleged claims, it is recommended that the traveler obtain written confirmation of non-performance or inadequate performance of services or secure evidence, proof and witness statements.

 Warranty claims can be asserted within 2 years. Claims for damages expire after 3 years. 

In the interest of the traveler, it is advisable to assert claims directly with the tour operator or via the travel agent comprehensively and concretely immediately after returning from the package tour, since longer delays are associated with more difficulties in proving claims.

22. Delivery - Electronic Correspondence

The delivery/contact address of the traveler is the last address given to the tour operator (e.g. email address). The traveler shall notify the tour operator of changes, immediately. The traveler is advised to notify the operator in writing.

23. Providing information to third parties

Information as to the names of the travelers and the whereabouts of travelers shall not be disclosed to third parties, even in urgent cases, unless the traveler has explicitly requested the provision of information and the recipient is disclosed at the time of booking. The costs arising from the transmission of urgent messages shall be borne by the traveler. It is therefore recommended that travelers provide their relatives with the exact holiday address.

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Terms and conditions – Online Shop

Terms and conditions – Online Shop

The following terms and conditions also contain legal information on your rights according to the regulations on contracts in distance selling and electronic business transactions.

1. scope of application of these General Terms and Conditions

1.1. For all deliveries of the online store operator (hereafter: LAKEUNITED OG, Frauenkirchnerstraße 35/4, 7141 Podersdorf am See) to consumers (§ 1 KSchG) these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply.

1.2. Consumers are consumers in the sense of the Consumer Protection Act (KSchG) and therefore natural or legal persons who are not entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is someone for whom the business is part of the operation of his company. An enterprise is any long-term organization of independent and economic activity, even if it is directed to make profit. Legal entities under public law are always considered as entrepreneurs.

2. contracting party

Der Kaufvertrag kommt zustande mit der LakeUnited AP GmbH, Inhaber: Adler Patrick / Palmers Oliver. Sie erreichen uns telefonisch oder per WhatsApp für Fragen, Reklamationen und Beanstandungen unter der Telefonnummer +43 676 676 96 92 sowie per E-Mail unter

3. offer and conclusion of contract

3.1 Die Darstellung der Produkte im Online-Shop stellt kein rechtlich bindendes Angebot,
sondern eine Aufforderung zur Bestellung dar. Irrtümer vorbehalten.

3.2. By clicking on the button (zahlungspflichtig bestellen/order with obligation to pay?) you enter a binding order of the goods listed on the order page. The purchase contract is concluded, if we have confirmed your order by sending an order confirmation by e-mail immediately after the receipt of your order.

4. Right of withdrawal and revocation

4.1. Consumers have a right of withdrawal for a fortnight/14 days.

Cancellation policy / right of withdrawal

Sie haben das Recht, binnen vierzehn Tagen ohne Angabe von Gründen diesen Vertrag zu
Die Widerrufsfrist beträgt vierzehn Tage ab dem Tag, an dem Sie oder ein von Ihnen benannter
Dritter, der nicht der Beförderer ist, die letzte Ware in Besitz genommen haben bzw.
Um Ihr Widerrufsrecht auszuüben, müssen Sie der LakeUnited AP GmbH eine E-Mail an mittels einer eindeutigen Erklärung über Ihren Entschluss, diesen Vertrag zu widerrufen, informieren.
Zur Wahrung der Widerrufsfrist reicht es aus, dass Sie die Mitteilung über die Ausübung des
Widerrufsrechts vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist absenden.

Consequences of the revocation

Wenn Sie diesen Vertrag widerrufen, haben wir Ihnen alle Zahlungen, die wir von Ihnen erhalten
haben, einschließlich der Lieferkosten (mit Ausnahme der zusätzlichen Kosten, die
sich daraus ergeben, dass Sie eine andere Art der Lieferung als die von uns angebotene,
günstigste Standardlieferung gewählt haben), unverzüglich und spätestens binnen vierzehn
Tagen ab dem Tag zurückzuzahlen, an dem die Mitteilung über Ihren Widerruf dieses Vertrags
bei uns eingegangen ist. Für diese Rückzahlung verwenden wir dasselbe Zahlungsmittel,
das Sie bei der ursprünglichen Transaktion eingesetzt haben, es sei denn, mit Ihnen
wurde ausdrücklich etwas anderes vereinbart; in keinem Fall werden Ihnen wegen dieser
Rückzahlung Entgelte berechnet. Wir können die Rückzahlung verweigern, bis wir die Waren
wieder zurück erhalten haben oder bis Sie den Nachweis erbracht haben, dass Sie die
Waren zurückgesandt haben, je nachdem, welches der frühere Zeitpunkt ist.

You must return or hand over the goods without delay and in any case within fourteen days at the latest from the day you inform us of the withdrawal of this contract. The deadline is deemed to have been met if you send the goods before the end of the fourteen-day period. You shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods. In the case of shipping goods, these costs are estimated to be approximately 90€ per pallet within Austria.

You only have to pay for a possible loss of value of the goods if the loss in value is due to handling of the goods that is not necessary to check the nature, properties and functionalitiy of the goods.

According to § 18 FAGG the following contracts are excluded from the right of withdrawal:

  • Services, if the entrepreneur - on the basis of an explicit request by the consumer according to § 10 as well as a confirmation by the consumer of his knowledge of the loss of the right of withdrawal in the case of complete fulfilment of the contract - had begun with the execution of the service before the expiry of the withdrawal period according to § 11 and the service was then completely provided,
  • Goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market, over which the entrepreneur has no influence and which may occur within the withdrawal period,
  • Goods, which are manufactured according to customer specifications or clearly tailored to personal needs,
  • Goods that can spoil quickly or whose expiration date would quickly be exceeded,
  • Goods which are delivered sealed and are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene, if their seal has been removed after delivery,
  • Goods which have been inseparably mixed with other goods after their delivery due to their nature,
  • alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at the time of the conclusion of the contract, but which cannot be delivered earlier than 30 days after the conclusion of the contract and the current value of which depends on fluctuations in the market, over which the entrepreneur has no influence,
  • Sound or video recordings or computer software delivered in a sealed package, provided that the seal has been removed after delivery,
  • newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications
  • Services in the areas of accommodation other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, rental of motor vehicles and the supply of food and beverages and services provided in connection with leisure activities, provided that a specific time or period is contractually agreed for the performance of the contract by the entrepreneur in each case,
  • the delivery of digital content not stored on a physical data carrier, if the entrepreneur - with the express consent of the consumer, combined with the consumer's knowledge of the loss of the right of withdrawal in the event of premature commencement of performance of the contract, and after provision of a copy or confirmation in accordance with § 5 Para. 2 or § 7 Para. 3 - has commenced delivery before expiry of the withdrawal period in accordance with § 11.

If you want to cancel the contract, please fill out this form and send it back:

An LakeUnited AP GmbH, Heidehofweg 20, Halle 4/6, 7111 Parndorf, Österreich,

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/the provision of the following service (*)

- Ordered on (*)/received on (*)

- Name of the consumer(s)

- Address of the consumer(s)

- Signature of the consumer(s) (only in case of communication on paper)

- Date


5. prices and shipping costs

5.1 Die auf den Produktseiten genannten Preise sind Bruttoverkaufspreise und enthalten die
gesetzliche Umsatzsteuer und sonstige Preisbestandteile.

5.2. Further details on the amount of the shipping costs are given in the offers.

6. Delivery

6.1 Die Lieferung erfolgt grundsätzlich zur Bordsteinkante. Das weitere Verbringen der Ware und deren Verpackung ist Angelegenheit des Kunden.

6.2. The delivery time is up to 3-7 working days in Austria, all other EU countries approx. 4 - 10 working days. We point out possible deviating delivery times on the respective product page.

6.3. The delivery takes place in Austria and other EU countries with standard shipping (post or parcel service) EUR 10.

No additional mail will be sent by us when the goods leave the warehouse. We will contact you if there are problems with the delivery. The customer is obligated to ensure that during the time window of the delivery, which is announced in writing, a person familiar with the situation and with unlimited legal capacity is present and authorized at the place of delivery to receive the goods and, if necessary, to make the premises accessible. If the customer does not comply with this provision, he shall bear the resulting costs of a further delivery attempt.

7. transfer of risk and transport

7.1. The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the goods is transferred to the customer upon handover to the customer.

7.2 Beim Versendungskauf geht die in Punkt 7.1. bezeichnete Gefahr dann mit Übergabe an
den Spediteur, den Frachtführer oder der sonst zur Ausführung der Beförderung bestimmten
Person oder Anstalt auf den Kunden über, wenn der Kunde selbst mit einem anderen Beförderer
einen Beförderungsvertrag geschlossen hat, ohne dabei eine von vorgeschlagene Auswahlmöglichkeit wahrgenommen zu haben.
7.2.a Sollte es sich bei dem Kunden nicht um einen Verbraucher i.S.d. § 1
KSchG handeln, dann geht die geht die in Punkt 7.1. bezeichnete Gefahr beim Versendungskauf
mit Übergabe an den Spediteur, den Frachtführer oder der sonst zur Ausführung der Beförderung bestimmten Person oder Anstalt auf den Kunden über.

7.3. If the customer is in default with the acceptance of the goods, the risk of loss and accidental deterioration of the goods passes to the customer at the time of the default in acceptance.

8. Payment

8.1. Payment is made either by advance payment, Paypal, credit cards (Visa / Mastercard), invoice

8.2. If you choose the payment method prepayment, we will give you our bank details in the order confirmation and deliver the goods after receipt of payment.

9. reservation of proprietary rights

The goods remain our property until full payment has been received.

10. warranty

The warranty is provided in accordance with the statutory provisions for a period of 24 months from receipt of the goods. If replacement or improvement is not possible (not possible, too much effort, unreasonable, delay), the buyer is entitled to a price reduction or, if the defect is not minor, cancellation of the contract (redhibitory action). Compensation for (defect) consequential damages, as well as other property damage, financial losses and third party damages against the customer, unless it is a consumer transaction, is excluded.

11. final provisions

11.1. Austrian law shall apply to this contract, but only to the extent that it is applicable, as not the protection granted to the customer by mandatory provisions of law of the state in which the customer has his habitual residence.

11.2 Für alle unmittelbar oder mittelbar aus dem Vertrag entstehenden Streitigkeiten kann
der Kunde zwischen dem Gericht an seinem Wohnsitz und dem Sitz LAKEUNITED OG wählen.

Die Europäische Kommission stellt für die außergerichtliche Online-Streitbeilegung eine Plattform bereit (OS-Plattform), die unter abrufbar ist.

11.3 Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen des Vertrages mit dem Kunden einschließlich dieser
Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen ganz oder teilweise unwirksam sein oder werden, so
wird hierdurch die Gültigkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen nicht berührt. Die ganz oder teilweise
unwirksame Regelung wird durch eine Regelung ersetzt, die dem wirtschaftlichen Zweck
der unwirksamen möglichst nahe kommt.

Further Information Order Process

Wenn Sie das gewünschte Produkt gefunden haben, können Sie dieses unverbindlich durch
Anklicken des Buttons [in den Warenkorb] in den Warenkorb legen. Den Inhalt des Warenkorbs
können Sie jederzeit durch Anklicken des Buttons [Warenkorb] unverbindlich ansehen.
Die Produkte können Sie jederzeit durch Anklicken des Buttons [Löschen] wieder aus
dem Warenkorb entfernen.

Wenn Sie die Produkte im Warenkorb kaufen wollen, klicken Sie
den Button [zur Kasse]. Bitte geben Sie dann Ihre Daten ein. Die Pflichtangaben sind mit einem
* gekennzeichnet. Eine Registrierung ist nicht erforderlich. Ihre Daten werden verschlüsselt
übertragen. Nach Eingabe Ihrer Daten und Auswahl der Zahlungsart gelangen
Sie über den Button [Eingaben prüfen] zur Bestellseite, auf der Sie Ihre Eingaben nochmals
überprüfen können. Durch Anklicken des Buttons [zahlungspflichtig bestellen] schließen Sie
den Bestellvorgang ab. Der Vorgang lässt sich jederzeit durch Schließen des Browser-
Fensters abbrechen.

Text of the contract

The text of the contract is stored on our internal systems. You can view the general terms and conditions at any time on this page.

The order data and the terms and conditions will be sent to you by e-mail.

Complaint inquiry

You can only make a complaint about articles that have been bought in our store.

The article was delivered defective.

We are very sorry that you have received a defective item. Please contact us immediately via email within 1 day after delivery, so that we can clarify whether the item has been damaged during transport. If the defect is reported at a later date, we have to assume that the article has been broken during use. In this case the complaint procedure is different.

The article was damaged during the warranty period. Is there a case of complaint?

Our warranty (2 years on new products, 1 year on used products) covers material and workmanship defects. Excluded from the warranty are damages caused by normal use or wear and tear over time, as well as damages caused by accidents and lack of care.

Handling of the complaint

1. Senden Sie uns eine Reklamationsanfrage via E-Mail:
2. Beschreiben Sie möglichst genau die Beschädigung und fügen Sie Bilder dazu
3. Wir benötigen außerdem folgende Infos von Ihnen: vollständiger Name, Rechnung, Kaufdatum, Telefonnummer
4. Nach Erhalt deiner Reklamationsanfrage melden wir uns umgehend bei Ihnen.