Kitesurfing Skills


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Safe and confident

Kitesurfing Skills Workshop


We pass on the experience from our years of activity to you in our specially created, exclusive workshop modules.

With us you train the things that even kite instructors often do not learn or ultimately only master through years of experience.

You perfect your skills in extraordinary situations and train processes so that you are able to master difficult situations with ease. Our workshops give you a self-confidence boost. You will learn the secret techniques of the kite instructors, control the kite in light winds and overpower or launch and land your kite yourself without help.

The kitesurf skills workshop consists of several 3-day modules. They are intensive courses for your progress, for more knowledge and for safer and more confident kite handling.

The workshop modules take place in Podersdorf at Lake Neusiedl, partly in the seminar room, partly on the shore and of course on the water. We provide you with suitable kite equipment for every occasion (kites, including foil kites, boards).

You'll get you tips and insights that you won't find in books or videos. Often it is the little things that cause big changes and that really get you ahead - and of course your practice.

Get safety and sovereignty on the kite - and your LakeUnited Skills Certificate!

Reviereinweisung am Strand
Years of experience
0 +

Kitesurfing Skills Workshop

Our skills workshop is aimed at kiters who have already gained their first experience, old stagers, (prospective) kite instructors and professionals.

Our workshop offer currently consists of two modules. Both combine seminars and training to take you a big step further in kite sport.

Module 1

Module 2

Dates & Price

Module 1

We'll check out and practice the techniques of the professionals for safe kite handling:

  • the right position at the bar
  • launch and land confidently, even in difficult conditions
  • the be-all and end-all of the relaunch
  • anticipate and avoid dangerous situations


We'll take a look at the current equipment, which of course also will be tested:

  • the right bar and harness choice
  • feel the differences in kite types
  • kiteboards, their shapes, bindings and stance

Module 2

We'll look deeper into the professionals' box of tricks, analyze and practice:
  • launch and land yourself, even from the boat
  • launch and land foil kites
  • Kite loops without 'close your eyes and...'
  • kiting in light and strong winds
  • help other kiters on the water
  • undo inverted lines and line tangles quickly and easily
We'll take a closer look at the current kite equipment:
  • different kite shapes
  • fundamentals of aerodynamics
  • adjustment options for different kite types

Dates & Price

Module 1

Termine noch offen

Module 2


Each 3-day module including rental equipment

€ 470,-

excl. catering

Secure your progress!

There are only eight workshop places per module. You have to be quick and secure a seat.

Details on the LakeUnited Skills Workshop

Kite handling Turbo Boost

Your workshop participation

In each of our modules, useful kitesurfing knowledge and joint practice are on the program for three days. Our goal: We make you better kitesurfers, safe and confident on the kite. You can book the modules individually or all at once. There is no overlap in content

You can book the modules individually or all at once. There is no overlap in content.

For theory and analysis we are in a seminar room, the practice happens on land and in the water (bring your wetsuit, harness, suitable shoes!).

We recommend that you stay in Podersdorf during the workshop. We are happy to help you with the booking.

Expert knowledge

Our workshop philosophy

Workshops are about your progress and knowledge transfer. We share know how, which we have developed in our many years of activity in the field. And we are happy to pass it on. 

Even after all these years in the business, we are constantly trying to educate ourselves and develop new concepts. A kite course usually ends with climbing up and after that you are on your own. This should not happen!

Our workshops take place on the water, on the beach or in a seminar room. Depending on the topic and content, we choose the right location. We are sure, one can always learn and improve. We want to make learning and improving possible through our workshops, which are also suitable for experienced kitesurfers.

Detailed information about our workshop

We put together all important information about the Kite Skills Workshop. 

We are convinced that safety and sovereignty make a big difference in kite sports in terms of accident prevention, but above all in terms of enjoying the sport.

In every 3-day-module we will share all of our knowledge to optimize your kite handling. For situations on land and in the water, but especially in unusual situations: Backstall on land, no starter nearby, the lines inverted, suddenly strong winds, ... We all know these situations in which the heart rate goes up quickly. We work out ways out of the situations with you, practice together and ensure that you can cope with such incidents more calmly in the future.

We provide equipment (kites and boards) as part of the workshops. Should you also need equipment for private morning or evening sessions, you are welcome to rent material from us.

In addition to the costs for the workshop, you should expect costs for travel, food and any accommodation during the three days.

We provide material for exercises as part of the workshop.

Important: To get to the beach by the lake you need an entrance ticket at all spots. This is not included in our course price. 

Boost your skills at Lake Neusiedl

Registration for the Kitesurf Skills Workshop

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