
Kitecamp Sicily

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Kite trip with tanto amore

Kitecamp Sicily

If kiting should be as easy as playing Uno, then a kite trip to Sicily is the thing for you. In the lagoon at Lo Stagnone you can feel the wind as steady as if it was generated by a blow dryer. 

Endless space and the water so flat that you can see your reflection in it. Benvenuto in Bella Italia, the LakeUnited Kitecamp in Sicily.

Der LakeUnited Bus in Sizilien am Strand - links und rechts sind LakeUnited Fahnen, die Coaches geben Kitematerial aus und erklären das Revier.
2 Personen am Ufer beim Kite starten

A week of kiting in the shallow lagoon, fantastic food and a great time with friends awaits you.

Beginners and advanced kites reach their goals with ease and manage to shift up the gear as easy as when driving a Vespa. Join us and let's make a little bit of Amore!

Perfect Lagoon

Sideshore wind, mirror-flat water, lots of space for kiting until the sun goes down

6 Days dolce vita

Real Italian lifestyle from breakfast together to limoncello before bed

Small group

The group has a cosy size but still large enough to allow individual retreat

3 Kitecoaches

We are here for you, especially when travelling. However, who is allowed to ride with us will still be drawn 🙂

Das erwartet dich in Sizilien


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Impressions from our kitecamp in Sicily

Travel dates & services Sicily






Kite courses and workshops without hour limits, including radio training and video analysis for all skill levels.

Our kite coaches are specially trained by us, far beyond common standards. LakeUnited Coaches, meet you where you are and help you boost your kite level..


We recommend the full service package including equipment and coaching.

Leave us a request and we will send you all the information about the packages. 


We live together in the apartment complex "Torre Lupa". This is 10 minutes away from the spot. 

If you want to book another accommodation, this is of course not a problem. 

Full service package double room

from € 1,470.-

includes equipment rental, coaching, guiding, accommodiation, excluding travel and catering

Request an offer and you'll get all the information including available packages and prices.

Course dates

Frühjahr 2025

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You can contact us any time and we will send you all the important information you have to know. Just contact us and we will send you news and updates, if the date isn`t the right one for you. We`ll find a solution for almost everything.

Flat Water and Flamingos  

Spot & wind in Lo Stagnone

You have to visit the lagoons in Sicily around Lo Stagnone at least once in a lifetime. And it won't stop there. A huge lagoon awaits with a perfect standing area in connection with mirror-smooth water. A dream for beginners, advanced and also professionals. The windmills and old towers of the salt pans around Lo Stagnone make the panorama picturesque and incomparable. And maybe you even see a flamingo during your kite session, we will be happy to show you. 

Reliable wind systems

The two wind systems Mistral and Scirocco make Sicily a top spot for kite surfers in Europe. The two winds supply Sicily with an above-average wind yield. Thermal winds also come regionally.

Staying together 

Accommodation in Lo Stagnone

Evenings together are valuable 

We stay in the apartment complex "Torre Lupa". In the apartment you will find everything you need, from the balcony with a view of the pool to a small but nice kitchen or towels. Also a blow dryer to dry your hair after a successful kite session. You can choose your room depending on your needs. We are happy to help you here and book your apartment for you, as you wish. 

After our kite sessions we will have dinner together in our garden near the pool. Did you know: Sicily offers great wine. 

The accommodation is about 10 minutes by car from the spot. The bakery, supermarket and some restaurants are all within walking distance. 


Activities in Siciliy

We always spend our kite camps as if we were traveling and vacationing ourselves. So you can be sure that we will make the best of every situation. 

Here is an overview of alternatives if the sore muscles are too intense or when there is a lull. However, we are on quite good terms with the wind god.

Wenn du weitere Informationen brauchst, schick uns einfach eine Anfrage, wir setzen uns mit dir in Verbindung und klären alle deine Fragen mit Freude.

Detailed information about the Kitecamp Sicily

We have been traveling to Sicily ourselves and with groups for years and are very familiar with both traveling to and in the country and kiting at the spot.

We have briefly summarized all the useful information for you.

In cooperation with the kite station “Kitelagune” we have found the perfect place for this camp in Sicily. A little apart, we have enough space here to celebrate successes together. 

The lagoon offers perfect conditions for all levels. Ideal for beginners and also perfect for advanced users. Everyone gets their money's worth here. 

Depending on the level, you will be divided into different groups in the lagoon. The training is of course always based on your level of ability. 

So on the windy days we will mainly be at the lagoon. In the evening we can discuss the day together and let it end. 

Should there be less or no wind, we will provide interesting alternatives. 

LakeUnited's events are always educational. Because our goal is that you can take as much as possible with you.

We place great value on practice and can now look back on more than 15 years of training experience in kitesurfing. Nevertheless, we are constantly evolving by continuously revising our concepts. After all, there is not just one way, because everyone learns differently and needs different inputs. In addition, one or the other may already have made mistakes that need to be specifically corrected.

We use different approaches to improve your skills on the water and on the kite. We will hold several workshops and also offer video analyzes - if everything goes well, even with a projector in the evening. This has already proven itself many times! Because we love detailed work, we can draw your attention to little things that others don't even see. Often, just a few small changes lead to the desired success and you enjoy more fun and safety on the water.

In our high-quality kite lessons, we clearly see our strength in empathy and in working on a personal level. With empathy and a lot of fun, we will pick you up right where you are. This applies to beginners as well as professionals, after all, we have already trained some kite instructors in our academy.

Yes, kitesurfing is strength training! So that you don't just build up your muscles while towing your kite and otherwise sit around waiting for better wind, we offer you our equipment for rent. Whether land or water kite, a lot or little wind - we always have the right equipment for you! So you travel much more carefree, use new kites from top brands such as Flysurfer and Duotone and have more time on the water overall.

We all live together in the apartment complex "Torre Lupa". Here you can choose between single rooms, double rooms (with single bed functions) or multi-bed rooms. So everyone will find something. 

The apartment complex is ideal for starting the day with a workshop and, above all, for ending the day after perfect kite sessions. 

If you prefer another accommodation, you can of course book it yourself.  

What's for dinner?

Catering is not included in this kitecamp. You can get something for breakfast in the nearby shop. 

You should also take a snack with you for your lunch break. 

In the evening we eat together. We either look for a nice restaurant or cook together in the facility. 

Arrival by plane: there are several destination airports in Sicily. Trapani Airport is only 20 minutes from the spot and is therefore ideal.

Palermo is also an option, here you drive another 1 1/2 hours to the spot. 

Sollten keine Flieger nach Trapani oder Palermo zu finden sein, bleibt noch Catania. 

You definitely need a rental car in Sicily. Here we are happy to help you when it comes to carpooling. 

Arrival by own car: here you take the ferry from e.g. Livorno to Palermo. 

Passport: You need a valid passport or identity card for the duration of your stay. 

Travel insurance: We would be happy to send you an offer for cancellation and / or travel insurance. 

Travelling by car: to stay flexible you need a rental car. Here we are happy to help you set up and find car pools. 


Do I need a wetsuit?
Yes, we recommend a wetsuit because we spend a lot of time by the water and you get cold. 4/3 or 5/4 suits are optimal.

How much time do we spend on the water?
We are known for getting the most out of things. For example, if wind is only forecast in the morning, we get up at 6 a.m. Conversely, we often stay until sunset and pack up with the headlamp. In other words, we'll go home when you don't want to, can't kite anymore or the sun has set 😉

How many people stay in one apartment?
There are two separate bedrooms for two people, so a maximum of 4 people can live in one apartment. In single room occupancy, everyone has their own room and shares the kitchen, living room and bathroom with one or two other people.

Is breakfast included?
Each apartment organizes breakfast independently. About a 5-minute walk from the complex, in the town center, is a very good café where we often start the day with an excellent Italian cappuccino and panini.

Ist Sizilien auch für KomplettanfängerInnen geeignet?
Ja, du brauchst keinerlei Kitesurf-Vorerfahrung und wirst am Ende der Woche wahrscheinlich schon selbstständig am Wasser fahren.

Wieviel Coaching ist inkludiert?
UNLIMITED – bei uns gibt es keine Stundenbegrenzung. Wir möchten dich aufs nächste Level bringen und darum bekommst du soviel Zeit am Wasser wie du möchtest. Auch am Land kannst du und uns um 12 in der Nacht noch Fragen stellen. Ganz ehrlich, wir lieben, es unser Wissen weiterzugeben.

How far is the property from the spot?
About 12 minutes by car.

Do I need a car?
You need a car, but not necessarily your own. In the Whatsapp group before the camp, carpools are organized and participants share rental cars. We're happy to help if you need help.

When exactly does the camp start?
On Saturday evenings we usually go out for a leisurely meal together, even with participants if they are already there. If you come later, no problem. Sunday morning (9:00) is the official start of camp.