Deaf Snowkite camp

Lake Reschen

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One giant playground

Snowkiting for the deaf at Lake Reschen

Olsen springt mit Snowboard und macht einen Grab

Snowkiting on Lake Reschen with a wonderful view and gigantic conditions. For three days, it's all about learning to snowkite or improving ones snowkiting skills.

Snowkiting with a wonderful view and gigantic conditions. When Lake Reschen in South Tyrol is frozen over as usual in February and covered with a good portion of snow, snowkiters will find an inviting playground.

Lake Reschen offers with its constant and reliable winds for beginners, as well as advanced, fantastic and above all simple conditions to learn snowkiting or to improve your skills. 

A snowkiting course - three days - and fantastic conditions. 

Dame trägt 2 Snowkites und lächelt
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Dates & services snowkiting at Lake Reschen





The course for beginners and advanced. You will be accompanied by professional instructors who ensure safe and quick learning success. In addition, training is carried out using radio units. So you can explore the lake. 


The entire kite equipment (kite, bar and harness) is included in the snow kite course. The kite equipment is from Flysurfer. You are welcome to take our equipment and explore Lake Reschen yourself. 


We recommend looking for accommodation in Reschen am See. There are a few choices. From a cozy bed and breakfast to a hotel. 

Snowkite course 3 days including kite equipment

€ 620,-

excl. travel and accommodation

  • Date still open

    Entry and intermediate camp for the deaf

You can contact us any time and we will send you all the important information you have to know. Just contact us and we will send you news and updates, if the date isn`t the right one for you. We`ll find a solution for almost everything.

Snowkiting with a fantastic view

Spot & wind at Lake Reschen

For snowkiters, Lake Reschen is a gigantic playground ideal for beginners, advanced and professional kiters. Every year the lake freezes over, has a thick layer of snow on top and thus provides sensational conditions for kiting. 

At Lake Reschen you can collect miles and cover long distances with the kite. In addition to a beautiful panorama, the reservoir provides constant and reliable wind conditions due to its location - nestled between the mountains. 

The lake is oriented from north to south and these are also the prevailing wind directions. However, if the wind is not optimal, you can also switch to the smaller Lake Haider. 

Reschen am See

Accommodation at Lake Reschen

There are several options to stay at Lake Reschen. The place Reschen am See is perfectly located so that we can launch our kites quickly after breakfast. There are small, lovely guesthouses that offer overnight accommodation from EUR 35.- / night (including breakfast). Of course there are also nice hotels that are a little more expensive. 

The village of Graun in Vintschgau also offers options to stay over night. However, you usually have to drive 15 minutes by car in the morning. Since we will spend most of the time in Reschen am See, we recommend booking accommodation there as well. 

Gruppenfoto mit 3 Flysurfer Soul im Sonnenschein

Success guaranteed

Snowkiting course Lake Reschen

The snowkite course is scheduled for three days and has a large focus on practical units. Starting with kite setup and safety, you start with the kite right away. You will learn to control the kite and explore the wind window. After you can do this, you are already heading towards snow kiting and gliding over the snow. So you will soon be covering the first few meters. We will show you different turning maneuvers and the free movement with the kite. The first jumps are also possible. If you already have previous experience, the content is tailored to your skill level. 

Coach erklärt einer Person etwas

Detailed information on the Snowkite Course at Lake Reschen

Again and again we end up at Lake Reschen for snow kiting and we really know our way there. 

We have briefly summarized all the useful information for you.

In the three course days you learn everything about snowkiting. After a theoretical introduction to the practice-relevant topics (safety, wind window, umbrella control, material science), you will learn how to use the kite in a very playful way. 

After kite control, we start with first gliding exercises. Different turning maneuvers, first jumps as well as tips and tricks are explained in individual coaching units. 

The goal is that you feel the 'fascination of snowkiting' and that you can develop your skills independently and individually in this sport after the course.

Foil kites definitely make sense for snow kiting. If you do not want any training, but do not own kites or do not have the right equipment, you are welcome to rent kites from us. 

Price: rental equipment € 120.- for 3 days

LakeUnited's events are always educational. Because our goal is that you can take as much as possible with you. We place great value on practice and can now look back on more than 15 years of training experience in kitesurfing. Nevertheless, we are constantly evolving by continuously revising our concepts. After all, there is not just one way, because everyone learns differently and needs different inputs. In addition, errors may have crept in one or the other that need to be specifically corrected. We use different approaches to improve your skills on the water and on the kite. We will hold several workshops and also offer video analyzes - if everything goes well, even with a projector in the evening. This has already proven itself many times! Because we love detailed work, we can draw your attention to little things that others don't even see. Often a few small changes lead to the desired success and you enjoy more fun and safety on the water. With our high-quality kite lessons, we clearly see our strength in empathy and in working on a personal level. With empathy and a lot of fun, we will pick you up right where you are. This applies to beginners as well as professionals, after all, we have already trained some kite instructors in our academy.

We have many approaches on how to improve your skills on the water and on the kite because everyone learns differently and needs different inputs. In this respect, we see our strength, in addition to high-quality kite lessons, also in empathy and working together on a very personal level. We pick you up where you need it.

We also see things that others do not see. We love the detailed work and help you to have more fun and more safety on the water - just with a few small changes.

We use radio systems from BBTalking for our kitecamps and kite courses. We don't like screaming - we'd rather whisper something in your ear. In addition, there are planned video analyses in the evening - even with a projector if everything works out as planned. 

For you, this means that an event with LakeUnited always has an educational character. If you do not need any training, we will find a solution for this too.

Requirements: Experience in handling skis or a snowboard. You do not have to meet any other specific requirements.

To take with you: Snowboard or ski including boots / ski boots, warm sporty clothing, helmet (if available), cap, gloves, ski goggles

Quality of our courses, but also of the training material is important to us. We exclusively use equipment from Flysurfer for our snowkiting courses.

We often hear: 'But I can't snowboard'". Doesn't matter at all, because it is actually easier with skis. You can move more easily and use two edges.

If you want to have your own snowkiteboard, we can also help you. We have put all of our experience into developing our own snowkiteboards, which you are welcome to buy.

The complete equipment (kites, bar and harness) is included in the courses.

We are happy to assist you with a booking and send you the appropriate link. We recommend accommodation in Reschen am See, close to the kite spot. Accommodation can be found from around € 35.- 

Breakfast should be included in the pension or accommodation. In the evening we will have dinner together in town. There is also a supermarket where you can buy a snack for the day. 

It's best to come to Reschen am See with your own car. You can of course find this on Google Maps. We will meet in the cafe "Mein Dörfl", directly at the Reschensee.